Exciting things are happening this year! The CUCS Institute and the Network will offer members the opportunity to accumulate the 25 credits needed to complete the Case Management Certificate Program by attending a six-module comprehensive training series designed to offer direct service staff a nuts-to-bolts overview of case management services. Upon completion of all six trainings, licensed social workers who attend will qualify for 25 Continuing Education credits and certification of completion of the entire series.
CE credits are also available for a number of other trainings offered this year.
This semester’s calendar of workshops includes a set of Trauma Informed Care modules (10 Social Work CE Credits). The first training overviews trauma and the related diagnosis as well as explores what Trauma Informed Services look like. The second training emphasizes how to offer support to persons who have histories of trauma in a way that creates a positive therapeutic connection and keeps the individual feeling safe.
This semester’s offering also includes a popular new training on Aging and Wellness in Supportive Housing, as well as some old favorites including Psychiatric Overview, Understanding Compulsive Hoarding and Coordinating Property Management and Social Services.
All trainings will be held at CUCS located at 198 East 121st Street, 5th floor. Registration and sign-in starts at 9am. Trainings start promptly at 9:30am and end at 3:30pm. To qualify for Social Work Continuing Education credits, attendees must be there on time and stay through the entire training.
The Network and the CUCS Institute have developed this year’s training collaboration based on membership feedback and needs, providing Social Work or OASAS CE Credits for all trainings this year. Founded in 1979, the Center for Urban Community Services (CUCS) is a comprehensive human service agency and the nation’s largest provider of supportive housing social services. The CUCS Institute is a leader in the provision of training to professionals in New York City and nationally. The trainers are at the forefront of emerging research and train on a range of topics related to housing and homelessness, behavioral health, criminal justice and clinical practice. The CUCS Institute is recognized as a continuing education provider by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work for licensed social workersand by New York State’s Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS).
For more information on registering or training content, please contact CUCS Institute at institute@cucs.org