The murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor have become all too familiar and dreaded scenes. We see racial injustice at every turn: COVID-19, homelessness, incarceration, economic disparity, illness, and murder.
It must end.
CUCS reaches within communities of color throughout New York City and is dedicated to helping individuals and families thrive. Hate and bigotry have no home here.
We created our Committee for Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging in 2018 to help our organization face, understand, and break barriers to these goals. With a multipoint plan developed by a wide and varied membership, our commitment is grounded in the belief that everyone must be treated equitably, with dignity and respect. The CUCS management, our Committee and staff will continue to move this work forward.
CUCS mourns the tragic and violent loss of life in the Black community. Undo Structural Racism.
We believe Black Lives Matter.